Tuesday 15 October 2019

Word Wizard

(Damolo, Vallente)

Despicable \ dəˈspikəb(ə) \ -very bad or unpleasant: deserving to be despised
          ·         The despicable man was disliked by everyone in his neighborhood.

Sacred  \ˈsākrəd \ -  worthy of religious worship: very holy
          ·         The sacred image of the Virgin Mary.            

Mournful  \ ˈmȯrn-fəl \- full of sorrow or very sad
         ·         She had such a mournful expression that someone teasingly asked if her dog had died.

Blaspheme \ blas-ˈfēm \- to talk about God or religion in a way that does not show respect. 
         ·         Sex outside of marriage is considered by some to be a sin and a form of blasphemy.

Steersman \ ˈstirz-mən  \- one who steers: HELMSMAN
         ·         It looks very long, and the water, which the steersman says is only three feet deep, seems very far away and very deep.

Ashamed  \ ə-ˈshāmd  \- reluctant or unwilling to do something because of shame or embarrassment.
         ·         I was ashamed to be seen with him.

Reprimand  \ ˈre-prə-ˌmand  \- a severe or formal reproof.
        ·         Did the policeman reprimand the old man?

Primordial \ prīˈmôrdēəl \- existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval.
        ·         The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed.

Omnipotence \ ämˈnipədəns \ -  the quality of having unlimited or very great power.
        ·         It's a good thing God is omnipotent.

Cowardice  \ kau̇(-ə)r-dəs \-  lack of bravery
          ·         Soldiers accused of cowardice

Torment \ ˈtȯr-ˌment  \- extreme pain or the anguish of body or mind: AGONY
        ·         She wrung her hands piteously together, looking like a soul in torment.

Woe \ ˈwō  \ - a condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction, or grief
        ·        . The city's traffic woes are well-known

Novice \ ˈnä-vəs  \-  a person admitted to probationary membership in a religious community.
        ·         The novices spend part of each day in prayer and meditation.

Hoarse \ ˈhȯrs  \- rough or harsh in sound: GRATING
        ·         She could only speak in a hoarse whisper.

Whirl \ ˈhwər(-ə)\- to move in a circle or similar curve especially with force or speed
        ·         Clothes were whirling in the washing machine.

Scourged \ ˈskərj  , ˈskȯrj, ˈsku̇rj\- a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.
        ·         The prisoner was scourged with a whip.

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